The German health care system is in a state of constant change. The direction of demographic change, the increase in multimorbid patients, or the changing legal conditions are only a few challenges in the area of tension between economic profitability on the one side, and increasing requirements for quality and patient safety on the other. As such, the further development of a quality-oriented hospital -planning, -financing, and –compensation is advanced through the current introduction of the Krankenhausstrukturgesetzes (KHSG). This refers to the quality requirements for structure and processes, and increasingly also to the quantification of the quality of results. Thus, the question with regard to the degree of system-relevance of a given clinic is implied.
With our risk-adjusted assessment of the customer-specific performance (health care) spectrum, and the identification of system-relevant patient groups, we are able to accompany you on your path into the future.
- Concept development for a short-, medium-, and long-term orientation of your enterprise in a competitive regional market
- Expert-support for the establishment of new health care services (specialist department, central emergency ward, etc.)
- Growth strategies for medical core competencies in relation to system-relevant patient groups
- Support for hospital marketing (Einweiser, patient, sponsor, public)
- Support in budget negotiations with sponsors
- And others